Afternoon Enrichment
(18months/2 Years – 6 Years)

For children enrolled in the afternoon hours, we offer a wonderful Afternoon Enrichment Program, providing extended curriculum with additional learning opportunities. We offer 2 afternoon pick-up times: either 3:30pm or 5:00pm. Our Afternoon Enrichment includes planned Curriculum Time, Snooze Time, Inside/Outside (small group) Time, and Open Activity Time! This is an enrichment program with extended time to focus on science exploration, art, music, literature, and motor development. These activities enhance learning opportunities and promote continued skill development.
Our Afternoon Program includes a sleep/rest time. Children in this program are required to participate in a "relaxation" time! This is a time for their bodies and minds to relax. This is a very important element of anyone's day, especially active young children. If, after a reasonable "relaxation" time, a child has not fallen asleep - quiet - low energy activities will be available to him/her.
In our effort to provide a comfortable and secure environment for relaxing, each child needs to bring his/her own small pillow, blanket, and "cuddly" (if desired) - along with a crib sheet (for covering the sleep mat). Please plan to take these items home each week for laundering! These items are kept separate and used only by your child - no sharing!
In addition, for our Kinder-Prep students, we offer a “Stay and Play” hour for children who would like to spend an extra hour at school. For children enrolled in our “Stay and Play” hour, pick-up time is 1:30pm. If you are interested in this program and would like more information, please see our Office Manager. Programs may vary at each location.