KINDER-PREP I... (3-years by Sept. 1)
KINDER-PREP II... (4-years by Sept. 1)

Pacific Prep School’s program objective is: 1) to provide for the foundational development of a positive self-concept; 2) to provide continual and developmentally appropriate intellectual/academic instruction and exploration. This will be achieved in the basic early education subject areas, as well as through experiences in different learning environments; total group, small group, 1-on-1, and independent.
This Program focuses on all Kindergarten Readiness Skills that have already begun to develop. Your child will be assessed over a 6–8 week period (August thru October) on all Kindergarten Readiness Skills: Socio-emotional, Fine Motor, Writing/Visual Perception, Language Development, Pre-Reading/Comprehension & Decoding, Mathematics/Number Sense, Mathematics/Functions-Measurement Geometry- Reasoning, and Large Motor. Based on this assessment, individual goals will be set for each child, depending upon his/her age and developmental level. Throughout their Kinder-Prep I and Kinder-Prep II experience, your child will have the opportunity to develop and strengthen these skills over the course of these 2 years. The Classroom Teacher supports each student by using small group time, individualized/1-on-1 instruction, strategic materials, and creative planning. Our Kinder-Prep Program is at the core of Pacific Prep School’s mission to “Prepare our students for Kindergarten and Beyond!”
There are up to 16 children in each Kinder-Prep classroom with 2 full-time teachers. The ratio is approximately 1 teacher for 8 students. This program is offered Mon-Fri from 9:00-12:30pm. Children can be enrolled for 2-days, 3-days, or 5-days per week. We also offer an Afternoon Enrichment Program where children experience additional curriculum and learning opportunities into the afternoon.