EARLY PRESCHOOL I... (18-months through 2-years)
EARLY PRESCHOOL II... (2-years turning 3-years)

This program is designed to precede our Kinder-Prep I Program (3 turning 4-years). The group size, pace, and curriculum are developmentally appropriate for the 2-year-old child moving into the magical world of 3-years-old!
Our emphasis in this program is on stimulation and exploration with an introduction into total group activities and formal instruction. The opportunity for socialization and general listening skills plays a major role in this program. We support and continue your efforts at home towards Potty Training as well. However, to do so, we must have a complete personal changing set up for your child; wipes, cream, ointment, diapers, and two changes of clothing. Thank you!
There are up to 12 children in each class with 2 full-time teachers. We have a ratio of 1 teacher for 6 children but offer a 3rd teacher to be available throughout the day to enhance supervision, engagement, and individualized attention.
*When your child is ready to transition out of Early Preschool and into our Kinder-Prep Program, having moved toward more independent toileting… we supervise and provide verbal instructions for your child to wipe after urination and bowel movements. Once in Kinder-Prep, physical help with “wiping” occurs only in exceptional situations.